
Comestible is a platform for food, the places it comes from and the people who grow it.


We publish zines, artwork, stories and a weekly newsletter devoted to food. We like to use food as a lens to look at other critical issues, from gender to culture to politics. 

Ultimately, Comestible is a celebration of real food, accessible to real people. 

Comestible is about celebrating the one thing that sustains us and brings us together, no matter who we are or where we are in the world.

Come join us.

Call for Submissions: Comestible Issue 9

Call for Submissions: Comestible Issue 9

Kitchen Utensils.jpg


Issue 9 will honor the the skills and knowledge passed from kitchen to kitchen from the women who came before us: our grandmothers.

We are looking for all kinds of stories, artwork and recipes related to grandmothers. Feel free to interpret the term “grandmother” as you see fit - it could be your actual grandmother, someone in a grandmother role who passed along culinary wisdom, a story of the history of a group of women who aren’t related to you but whose story you find interesting.

The goal is to have personal and reported stories. As always, we love stories that combine narrative and investigation, both on a micro and macro level. And we certainly love creative interpretations of our themes!

Themes/topics that we are looking for in this issue: 

History: Was your grandmother a farmer? A fisherman? A rancher? Do you want to dive into the history of female brewers? Restaurant owners? Stories of women who tended the land and made food and drink.

Gender politics: Women food entrepreneurs from decades ago pushing the gender norms of the day, suffragettes who used food to fight for the right to vote, etc.

Personal stories/recipes: Did your grandmother pass along a certain recipe or culinary wisdom that you you use in your kitchen today?

Sustainability: Wisdom of generations past that we have lost and are (perhaps) incorporating again.

Migration/heritage: Did previous generations of women in your family come from other countries? How did they use food to hold on to their heritage?


Send a brief description of your idea to info[at]comestiblejournal[dot]com, with the subject line “Issue 9 Pitch.” Please send a couple of links to your previous work.


Pitches due December 21, 2019.

The Artistry and Social Impact of Pies: Q&A with Lauren Ko

The Artistry and Social Impact of Pies: Q&A with Lauren Ko

Winter Squash Puree

Winter Squash Puree