
Comestible is a platform for food, the places it comes from and the people who grow it.


We publish zines, artwork, stories and a weekly newsletter devoted to food. We like to use food as a lens to look at other critical issues, from gender to culture to politics. 

Ultimately, Comestible is a celebration of real food, accessible to real people. 

Comestible is about celebrating the one thing that sustains us and brings us together, no matter who we are or where we are in the world.

Come join us.

Preorder Quaran(Tiny) Guide: The Book

Preorder Quaran(Tiny) Guide: The Book

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In March 2020, things changed.

There was a global pandemic. We were stuck inside. We were cooking all the time. It was a difficult, trying time, both personally and globally. We were channeling our time, love, hunger, and finely tuned food shopping skills into kitchen creations. We stocked up on ingredients, we busted out old recipes and tried new ones, we missed going to restaurants sometimes—but now matter how we felt, we made food. Not always because we wanted to, but because we had to.

The result was a series of free-to-download zines called Quaran(Tiny) Guides, a little pun inspired by Covid-19 quarantine. In the midst of a year of darkness, making the Quaran(Tiny) Guides has been our creative act of resilience, our way of staying in the present moment.

As this year comes to a close, we figured that there was no better way to honor the many meals that transpired in 2020 than with a comprehensive Quaran(Tiny) book.

This book includes over 60 recipes, including all of the recipes from every issue of the zine including Flour and Water, Turning Food Waste into Abundance, and Preserving, Fermenting, and Sprouting, as well as new recipes, new artwork, and some additional extended content. We're all in uncharted waters... if anything can help to sustain us and get us through, food is certainly at the top of the list.

Quaran(Tiny) Guide: The Book will be formatted like other print issues of Comestible: 64 pages, 5.25 x 7.75 inches. Bound in saddle stitch, to make it easier to open and lay flat when you're putting it on your kitchen counter to make a recipe. Printed on recycled, FSC-certified paper at a local, Pacific Northwest-based printer.

We’re sending the zine to the printer soon, so now is the time to preorder! If you preorder now you get a discounted preorder price that also comes with free US media mail shipping.

Thank you so much for supporting independent publishing!

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Yonette Alleyne Is the Hardest-Working Grandmother in Los Angeles

Feasting with My Ancestors

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